Showing: 81 - 84 of 252 RESULTS

No Jolly Holly

The consequence of this planet’s fallen state exempts no one. Bad things happen to people—all kinds of people—whether good or bad. Bad things happen to good people to test where their faith lies. Then there are those who sincerely believe they have faith until the severity of a trial shook …

75 Years Of Bliss

As we walk in the woods, just looking at the girth of some trees gives us an idea that some have been there for a really long time. To live over 75 years is a long time and this is exactly how long “Umbrella” Corporation has asked to keep their …

Liminal Subliminal

If the world says “Don’t look up,” that’s exactly what we should be doing. “Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.” Luke 21:28 NKJV This is another one of Netflix’s blatant propaganda like Messiah, Bird Box and The …

The Horrors Of Silhouette Writing

In an old post entitled Mea Culpa, I shared my personal preference on avoiding the use of Grammarly. If you’re really curious as to why, you’d need to go to that post. Ghostwriting was the farthest thing on my mind until it was brought to my attention when someone who …