A Penny For Peeps

Each package of Peeps literally cost one penny several days after Easter at our local Dollar Tree. It’s insane. Imagine walking out of the store with 20 bags of chocolate and candy for only 20 cents. It’s surreal!

Yes, it’s official. I have gone cuckoo for backyard birds. I don’t know why I have not done this years ago, but this year happened to be an opportunity to start something new. As I was watering my plants early yesterday morning, a ruby-throated hummingbird whizzed past me. I don’t have any flowers with nectar yet, but seeing that thing inspired me to take on another DIY project which is that of a hummingbird feeder.

Before working on it, we did head to the Riverfront Park yesterday and this friendly Robin burst in gleeful song and we happened to be around to hear it as we were walking towards the park’s new construction (not pictured). It’s my daughter’s favorite bird besides Peeps. Though we see this bird a lot, we won’t stop appreciating its presence.

Last year, this park was practically almost empty. You can see the same bridge here on a summer night.  Enough about yesterday and on to the project.

This thing is about 90% done. I have finished crocheting the rope that is going to hang it. One of these days, I might post a step-by-step tutorial. I have looked into some concepts and was initially planning on a green inverted bottle to start with, but ended up with this one instead.

I have no idea if this thing would even work. If not, I only spent a buck on it for the container and those synthetic flowers were literally close to a decade old. It’s filled with sugar water. For now, I am just wishful thinking that the hummingbird which visited yesterday would happen to see it. Hopefully, the opening is wide enough. It flew even lower to the ground than where it’s currently set up. I hope this thing is functional. Only time will tell.


  1. Love! Love! Love!
    Can’t wait til the hummingbirds start showing up here again!!!

    1. I had our feeders hanging up and it has been so windy that it emptied the feeders out 😞

      1. Aww. That sucks Elizabeth. 🙁 I hope this live hummingbird feeder cheers you up.

  2. Niiiice! I’m going to share that with my mom!!

      1. You’re welcome ヅ

    1. My mom loves this! She says thank you ❤️

      1. Tell her I said “You’re welcome”.

  3. Love watching the birds swing, too!!!
    Ok I’ll leave you alone now!!

    1. Lol. You’re good. You’re a few hours ahead of us here Elizabeth. Most of the time I don’t get on the phone ’til around 9 AM.

      It’s cool to see them on the swing ヅ

  4. That’s what we were enjoying too!! I also made mention to her that for what a mess California is it sure seems peaceful watching those birds and clearly hearing the air planes in the back ground! And there’s no wind!

    P. S. She told me this is probably not a good thing for her because she could sit and watch the hummingbirds all day 😂

  5. Also, I just remembered I have YouTube on our smart TV LOL so I have it on the big screen right now!

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