Cannabis Christian?

Truth? Deception Dispensary is more fitting

Just a little over a year ago, my family relocated to Ganja central. As you drive past the main road, you literally see pot shops (not the plant holder kind) with green crosses emblazoned on the billboard almost on every corner. Even in the midst of this, we live in a relatively quiet neighborhood.

I find the usage of the Cannabis green cross as a mockery to Christianity. We all know the Red Cross symbol and I personally don’t see a problem with that since Red Cross literally deals with lifesaving blood. People would then rationalize that the cross is universally accepted as a medical symbol so it would only be logical for “medical” marijuana dispensaries to adopt the symbol in green. The question is, what makes the cross (whether it’s red or green,) a universally accepted symbol for something that has to do with one’s wellness?

If only the whole world had the same reception to the message when it comes to spiritual wellness whereby that IS the very meaning of the symbol, acceptance of Christ’s atoning death on the cross is the ONLY antidote for humanity’s debilitating condition called sin.

There are some far out teachings out there but prior to today, I was oblivious to the Jesus who condones and advocates for smoking weed. Notice my usage of “the” as a distinction that it is NOT the same Jesus that is written about in the Bible but a mere concoction in someone’s intoxicated mind.

“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”

Romans 12:1-2

Smoking weed cannot be reconciled with the teachings of Christianity and for someone to believe that Jesus would have been a hippie who smoked weed would be just as bad as saying Jesus was a communist and worst of all, such assertions only point that Jesus was a sinner just like everybody else. This is a blatant lie and if you or someone you know have encountered a professing Christian who rationalizes and promotes such falsehoods, I can assure you that it is not the Holy Spirit they are hearing from.

Cannabis + Christ? You can’t have both.

“As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy.”

1 Peter 1:14-16


  1. That is because weed is their Jesus. They breathe (live for) just for their weed and then turn around and say that they love Jesus but who do they really live for?

    1. It is our tendency to reconcile something that is irreconcilable especially when we are faced to choose between 2 things we know don’t mix. And crucifying the flesh is a gradual process that requires surrender to the working of the Holy Spirit.

      When people put something in front of or after Christian (Calvinist Christian, Cannabis-friendly Christian, Christian Socialist, Christian Science (the religion) etc.), it reveals they have put that “something” above Christ.

  2. I really like when you said, “… acceptance of Christ’s atoning death on the cross is the ONLY antidote for humanity’s debilitating condition called sin.”

    That is the only healing that people need, but because of our flawed world-centered view on the Cross and what it means; too some people it takes the form of weed which goes against Christ.

    1. Hello Joshua. Thank You and I appreciate your comment.

      It is interesting how people readily accept what something symbolizes as long as it is removed from any spiritual significance. Taking “healing” in the form of weed is actually more counterproductive as it only leads to the bondage of addiction.

  3. Uh you should probably look up the ingredients that Jesus used in the anointing oil. On of the main ingredients is cannabis. So maybe they weren’t smoking it, but they were using it as a form if medicine or healing. Just because you have been taught that it is wrong doesn’t mean its true. When you use the bible to fit into your own perception and write statement like ” your body is a temple”. Have you ever taken any kind of medicine, Tylenol , sinus meds or anything like that ir even drank some wine? All of those hurt you body and aren’t good for you, but you dismiss that bc its “legal”. What if the reason that marijuana is still illegal is bc our government makes a killing off ticketing and locking up people for smoking weed. They know its not bad but they have done such a good job of brainwashing everyone into believing it is so that they can keep up their little scheme they have created. They destroy lives. They are criminals, and God made it and put it here to treat us for certain things in this life. The devil certainly did not create it bc he cannot create only steal kill and destroy. Marijuana has never done that to anyone. Actually it brings people together and help over a thousand symptoms safely without the worry of overdose or long term physical symptoms. Every strain helps a different type of problem. If the devil created that then I’m really confused on why he didn’t make it kill someone? Since tjats what he does. Just think about what you say before you say it.

    1. “Just think about what you say before you say it.”

      I appreciate your input. However, I have thought about what I wrote that’s why I wrote it. I am not going to retract anything of what I wrote and if you honestly think there is such a thing as a “holy” toke, if you claim to be a Christian, I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news… the one you claim to follow is the wrong Jesus.

      “Every strain helps a different type of problem. If the devil created that then I’m really confused on why he didn’t make it kill someone?”

      Lexicon :: Strong’s G5331 – pharmakeia –
      -the use or the administering of drugs
      -metaph. the deceptions and seductions of idolatry

      Deception is more like the key word here. I think this strongly addresses your confusion.

      I do hope the Holy Spirit will open your mind to the truth and release you from the bondage of 420.

      1. Yes i am a Christian and yes i believe that maybe you ought to sit and think about it a little bit more. Very hypocritical thing to say. Is it for everyone, no, but there are very many that benefit from it. I really think you should do some homework and stop using regurgitated thoughts from brainwashed people

      2. I used recreational Marijuana before I got saved. Your invoking my hypocrisy is quite predictable. No one likes to be confronted with the truth.

  4. Yes, i think maybe you cant have both recreational weed and christanity, but how about medicine weed?

    1. I do not know the severity of the condition one might have who uses weed to treat it. One thing I do know is that the effects vary for each individual. Everything is bound to be abused. We have the tendency to do so even with food, all the way to “medicinal” drugs.

      As far as one’s Christianity is concerned and the usage of “medicinal” weed, that person better be honest with themselves and it can get to a point that they become reliant on this drug for comfort rather than the Comforter.

      Scripture advises Christians to be of sober mind in 1 Peter 5:8-9, ” Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 9 Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings.”

      “…undergoing the same kind of sufferings” can be broadly applied and this can even mean suffering from an illness. The chapter preceding the chapter I quoted above is captioned “Living for God” and I suggest reading 1 Peter 4 entirely to get the full context for those who claim to be Christians and reconcile the use of Marijuana. People would argue weed does not give the same effect as alcohol but like I said, the effects vary for people. Some become mellow and some become paranoid and if the effect for one is the latter, that’s far from being sober.

      1. Thank you sister

      2. You’re welcome. May the Lord give you understanding and discernment to do what is pleasing and acceptable to Him.

      3. For sure, GOD is never ever leave us alone.

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