Christianity And Voting

Flowers, the least polarizing subject… If only the same could be said about Politics

Trying not to get overly political in this voting season is hard but it is *unavoidable. I encountered someone who told me everything is basically rigged in the political realm. It’s something I’ve heard before and while I don’t completely disagree with that, it is only a facet of the whole story. To the professing Christian who is into end times but fail to see events through the lens of what’s written in Scripture, please do not forget this very crucial truth; The full picture includes the fact that people can try their best to influence outcomes, but God IS and always will be sovereign.

People out there are so busy trying to remind us of separation of church and state because they don’t want to hear talks about preserving traditional values they claim no longer apply to the current state of affairs and yet what comes from the same people is the push for big government to mandate how we freedom-loving folks live our lives.

Christian, don’t dare think Politics is removed from the confines of your Christianity. Sure, Jesus’ kingdom is not of this world, but if you idly sit and let lawlessness run rampant, you are neglecting Jesus’ prescription of being a light in this dark world. Talking about how things are taking a turn for the worse won’t change anything without action and it especially does not make one any more righteous by washing their hands out of “dirty” politics. If in the future laws are passed to dub gospel preaching as hate speech is not important, you can sit this one out but this kind of complacency can result to the denial of the great commission. This is just one but the most important reason.

If you are okay with lawlessness, there’s no point in voting. Many of us get irritated when we are at the store standing in line when someone decides to cut in front us. I’ve let people cut in front of me before, but the skipping the line highlighted before us as a nation can involve a decade of waiting for those who want to come to this country legally. America must not reward people, who, in the beginning, choose to break its laws while demanding respect and charity.

If a vote does not count, I don’t see the point in counterfeiting voter pamphlets (in TX) mucking the truth about a candidate’s platform and a crucial issue they support and passing it in a church congregation for the very purpose of disinformation. There’s certainly no point in inundating us with political ads. Don’t buy the lie. Put the right that was given to you to good use.

If this sounds like a lecture, my apologies but I am writing this because I refuse to be lectured by people whose core strategies and platform run on lies, empty promises, slander, government-mandated theft (a.k.a. Socialism), plain racial and gender tribalism and most especially, blatant hypocrisy.

Let us be reminded of the utterances from countless politicians and their media promoters- (pseudo journalists and celebrities) who appear to “champion” tolerance but themselves condone and incite incivility, in turn, causing division.

If they can’t be civil with you simply because of what you believe, remember,

“The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure produces evil, for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.”

Luke 6:45


  1. It’s all rigged, don’t bother voting! Freemasons rule the country, Rome aka the pope rules the masons and the jesuits rule the pope, while the black pope rules the jesuits, and satan aka Lucifer rules them all!

    1. All we have is the “illusion” of choice right? Yet God will hold us accountable for everything we do. Honestly, I question your Christianity.

  2. I just can’t let myself get all upset and be a nervous wreck over the outcome ❤️

    1. Heh. So true. We can only try to persuade people to use the voting right people in other totalitarian countries could only dream to have. The young generation cry for Socialism simply because they were not alive to witness a system that is truly destructive wherever it was fully practiced. Answered prayers coupled with action made it possible in 2016 and the same is needed now and every election which is really a spiritual battle materializing in the physical realm.

  3. Amen, Sister! I am thankful my children don’t want anything to do with socialism and are aware of what it is and does- many young people – like you said- don’t ☹️

    1. Awesome and glad to hear your children reject that godless ideology responsible for atrocities and the death of millions of people.

      1. Praying that never changes!

      2. I have children myself. My father was a politician and as a little girl, I experienced firsthand the bitter realities of political defeat in a re-election but life goes on. I can attribute my strong political interest because of my father’s involvement in it.

        Our children will eventually form and hold to their own convictions but as parents, we are tasked to show them the importance of being involved in politics, from goals of ending corruption with hopes that justice is given where it is due, and choosing people though imperfect, who try go by biblical principles not just in words but in deeds etc…

        The consolation is at least the GOP retained Senate control. Hard blow to lose control of the house but at least the left won’t see us Evangelicals vandalizing property and screaming at people. Being able to talk about it is all we have and hopefully, we would still be able to, although the tech companies are already doing conservative censorship in a covert manner.

        If only people left Social Media… It is an evil machination that makes people turn against each other and incite mob mentality…

      3. Yep! Amen! I left Facebook 4 years ago and oh what a feeling of freedom that is!!!!

      4. Amen! I look back to times when those things were non-existent and we were all better as people interacting face to face, and bullying was contained. Now, anyone from the opposite side of the hemisphere if they choose to, can gang up on people.

        Sharing stuff is fine but we are seeing more negativity from those things than good from faking happiness to who knows what else.

      5. I can remember being friends with people on Facebook- then when you would see them in public we wouldn’t talk ☹️

      6. That is sad. I remember when I was leaving it, truly comparable to having a withdrawal from a controlled substance. The creators designed it that way. It is unfortunate most of society feel almost paralyzed without it. How about we do our campaign? Lol…. Sadly, it probably will not go anywhere without it being on that platform. See the dependency those things have imposed on people?

      7. Yep!!! I know what you meN! I had left it before and was drawn back- this time for good I AM DONE- I felt convicted!

      8. We still got WordPress 🙂 Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks, our Lord says. Whether good or bad, what we talk about here reflect what’s really inside of us. All I get from you here are praises for the Lord so you are doing an awesome job!

      9. The feeling is mutual ❤️ We are so blessed!

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