Family, What A Blessed Thing

My family and I just finished watching a marathon of Gordon Ramsay’s Best Restaurant. It wasn’t a long series, only comprised of 13 episodes and we watched it all in 2 days thanks to Netflix. Aside from not missing the bill, we are far from missing cable TV. It’s actually good to be able to sit and watch as many episodes in succession rather than having to wait a week to be able to see the next. It’s companies like Netflix and Redbox that revolutionize entertainment to the next level when it comes to pricing. A lot of us flock to cost effective alternatives and find that this would actually be the best thing to do in the long run.

Back to Best Restaurant, we have had our favorites like the Chinese and the Indian contenders. They were family owned and run and it’s really quite refreshing to see a close knit family work together. The Chinese didn’t make it to the finals but the Indians did. My husband and I were rooting for them but the winner, the Italian cuisine took the title because of presentation and innovation. We did notice that most of the finalists were comprised with an entire family as their cooks and waitstaff. I suppose that was an endearing and valuable quality that Gordon saw.

Our society has completely redefined the family and to see that there are still some out there with a strong bond is very encouraging. We saw the unadulterated emotions that we could relate to and amidst it being a reality show, we enjoy watching it because it is family oriented and we’re quite surprised Gordon Ramsay wasn’t as much profane in this show compared to Hell’s Kitchen back in 2007. My husband and I spend time together watching cooking shows such as the Next Iron Chef, and mostly anything with Gordon Ramsay.

I am thankful to God for giving me a family and for families out there who cherish the ideals of sticking together through thick and thin. I came from a family background where divorce is not even an option. Sure, I grew up from a family that was far from being perfect but from parents who planted the seed of determination to stay together until death did part them. I commend all who fight to keep the family together and live harmonious lives. It truly is such a blessing from above.