Her Name Is Paz

Paz means Peace

God made our paths cross for a reason. I’m here to tell you that He is not done with you. That time you cried out to Him in faith acknowledging Him as your Savior carries on with eternal security even when your feelings betray you. Stained glass moments can sometimes last longer than we would want them to. That’s okay. Like seeds being planted, faith does not grow overnight. Things may seem murky and unclear, but God is always faithful and He will not abandon you (Matthew 28:20). He brought you to this place. You may not know the exact reason why, but only the general reason that you are to be conformed to the image of His Son (Romans 8:29).

There are different seasons in life. The time to plant and time to uproot (Ecclesiastes 3:2). I don’t know how long you have been walking with God but as you get past the early stage, the phase where you can really see God work in your life, it gets followed by a season of weaning, like a mother weans her baby from milk. This can also be the time of uprooting the heavy residue of your former self, but this happens here and there depending on your commitment to follow Christ. This stage can become overwhelming since God allows you to go through things to see whether or not you remember what He has done for you.

Alongside clinging to the Word of God, the clear and intimate experience of His work in your life (all the miracles He allowed you to experience and all the answered prayers) becomes an anchor during seasons of doubt. Doubt happens to everyone too. It even happened to John the Baptist (Luke 7:18-23). Our goal though, is not to camp on doubt for too long because when we allow it to, it eats away our faith and it becomes an open door for the enemy to exploit.

And another thing, He allows pain so that you may know that your comfort should not come from people. If you depend on people to comfort you and find that no one comes when you need them or your circle of friends happen to be like Job’s friends, it will only lead you to moments of despair. True comfort and peace comes from no one else but the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6) and His Holy Spirit is always with you (John 14:16).

His Word says, “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” (John 8:36)

His Word says, “He who began a good work in you will continue to perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 1:6)

His Word says, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28)

Do you believe all of this?

If your answer is yes, then you must ask the Holy Spirit to help you overcome your feelings. Only with the Holy Spirit is this possible. It’s not easy. Being in a spiritual battle never is. It’s all part of that being in the world not of the world thing (John 17:16). Avoid comparing yourself to people. Jesus is the standard, not people. Some can put on a smile when they are really crying on the inside. No one can get help that way. We all make mistakes and that’s why we need our Savior’s healing touch.

God made our paths cross for a reason. He is not done with me and neither is He done with you.

May His peace richly dwell in you today and always.


  1. Lovely and powerful message Caeli!! All of the scripture references are excellent!!

    1. Thank you. All praises be to Him.

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