In Defense of Modesty Part Deux


Call me lazy to think of another topic to talk about but I truly feel compelled to share an exchange I had (in the italicized text) with someone yesterday simply because I wrote a post about Modesty a week ago which can be accessed here. I have removed the parts which addressed the person’s name to make my statements apply to a general audience. I know this is a touchy topic for some people but I feel burdened to talk about it because what I saw was a complete misapplication of Scriptures to suit one’s agenda. Either we allow our defiance and twist Scriptures to justify our own behaviors or we let the truth transform us into the likeness of whom we profess to follow, Jesus Christ…

I cover my body because it is dignified and simply because if I dressed in a way that does not make a distinction from the world, how then am I being the salt? I was perfectly clear on my post it actually revolts me to dress like a nun or a Mormon (I can honestly say I barely even own a floor length skirt), however there are ways to dress nice (knee length, midi, even maybe a couple of inches above the knee as long as it is NOT “micro mini”) which can still be proper.

In regards to my yoga pants comment, I was making a point that some people still look at you as a piece of meat regardless how you dress (even in baggy pants, now imagine yoga pants which is more revealing). I was alluding to that. Also, a professing Christian really has no business doing Yoga because that is an ancient Eastern practice syncretised into Christianity which promotes non-Christian philosophies (which the Bible refers to vain philosophies based on the world, not Christ in Colossians 2:8). You can try to reconcile Christianity with Yoga but that is compromise (I was delivered from my involvement in New Age before I came to Christ). Was there ever an instance in the Bible where you can maybe see Jesus advocating mixing your faith in God with something pagan? I think you perfectly know the answer to this. Sorry for digressing here.

Romans 14:13 clearly states, “Therefore let us stop judging one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in your brother’s way.” I am fully aware in context, this verse is talking about food, but its principle extends beyond that with practical application in regards to doing something that one knows will cause someone to sin.

Bear with me with this scenario, Picture yourself in church, you’re dressed normal, nothing see-thru, nothing too short, too tight, etc, just normal. You know some woman who professes to love the Lord, happens to go to church in a really tight form fitting dress or maybe even something that is truly revealing other parts (let’s say her bum). She happens to sit in the pew before you and your husband (if you’re married that is), right in front of you that you really can’t ignore the fact, even if you tried. You think your husband will be able to ignore the blatant image in front of him? Men happen to be very visual. It may not affect you, but it surely will affect him. Her beautiful physique now tends to be a distraction for other men who are there to worship the Lord, and one of them happens to be your husband. You think that was discerning on her part?

As believers, we are called to also think about the good of others. We can’t think solely of ourselves. Philippians 2:3-4 clearly states, “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.”

Regarding nakedness, let’s now look at Luke 8:27, “When Jesus stepped ashore, he was met by a demon-possessed man from the town. For a long time this man had not worn clothes or lived in a house, but had lived in the tombs.” In the same chapter on verse 35, It was only after Jesus had cast out the demons from this man that “they found the man from whom the demons had gone out, sitting at Jesus’ feet, dressed and in his right mind; ” Jesus’ expulsion of the demons caused this man who used to run around naked to be clothed. Not only is this literal (the man who used to be exposed is now dressed) but also symbolic for the fact that Jesus is the one who clothed the saved believer in righteousness.

After the fall, nakedness lost its purity and became a symbol of impropriety because evil intent was now present in the hearts of Adam & Eve. “The LORD God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them.” Genesis 3:21.

My original post was to encourage women believers but if we happen to differ in opinion, that is perfectly fine. My job is to sow. It is the Holy Spirit’s job to convict.

Somebody made a counterpost to my original post and brought about this assertion, “it is completely antithetical to Scripture to create a culture of body shaming.”

Being clothed with dignity has nothing to do with body shaming whatsoever. It is desiring to be pleasing to God and at the same time also being cognizant of other people’s weaknesses in the process.

Proverbs 11:22 states, “Like a gold ring in a pig’s snout is a beautiful woman who shows no discretion.”

We cannot impose Christian propriety on women outside the faith. They will surely reject it because the world puts a lot of emphasis on “self.” That is why as Christians, when we do decide to walk in the Spirit, there could be no other fruit but to walk in modesty.

This is a collated form of the exchange. I don’t expect every person to agree with everything I say here nor do I want to discourage anyone from doing a counterpost. Although when I find someone clearly trying to justify a faulty belief and twist the Scriptures, as a believer in Christ, we are expected to try to correct it no matter how well or not we are received. If Satan twisted Scriptures to Jesus, you can bet he will influence others to do the same.


  1. Good post. I agree that Christian women should dress modestly. It doesn’t matter if they are not married, because their future husband if that be the case, will be attracted by their spirit, not their appearance.

    1. Thank You, Brother. I totally agree with substance over appearance.

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