Today’s Word Of The Day

I was compelled to listen to this pastor today and he’s not usually one of the pastors I frequently tune in. Out of that, I came to a conclusion there was something I was supposed to get out of it and indeed there was – hupomone. This pastor kept repeating the word as I tried to digest the rest of the message which was all about our struggle with sin. See, I have got this personal downfall that keeps coming at me whenever it gets the chance and I have prayed to the Lord for deliverance since obviously, left to myself, I would keep treading the pathway to the trap set out for me. I have walked that road so many times I really don’t want to go there if it can be helped. Mind you it is nothing at all about being a serial killer, or whatever worse thing you could think of but possibly considered by 99% of the population as just me being overly tangled to religiosity.

Anyway, enough of that and let me share the word I kept hearing on the sermon based on my search. Whoever created google is truly a genius to be able to put all sorts of information at one’s fingertips within seconds.


This was a word I desperately needed to learn, to apply to my life. Here I am feeling defeated most of the time about my struggle while the Holy Spirit is gently nudging me to be more steadfast and press on. It’s not everyday I get to learn a greek word since I don’t go to theology school so I savor every tidbit of knowledge I get. What word have you learned today?