Traipsing On A Rainy Tuesday

It’s been pouring out quite a lot lately and where we are, July is pretty much the season for it. It gets too hot here, mostly upper 90’s to 100’s  since April and usually it pours mostly in the middle of the day and clear skies thereafter. Rain, you aren’t going to stop us from going out! Amidst the rain, my family still went for a drive to Family Christian Bookstore.

Rain on the car window. We had to wait for a few minutes inside the car for the rain to let up.

Seti and Chloe on the reader’s couch as my husband went for his usual, checking out bibles. Initially, we went there to check out one of Sheila Walsh’s books  and I ended up skimming through Priscilla Shirer’s Discerning the Voice of God. I just love the insight she gives on that book and it is truly a subject that I would want to know more about. We headed home quite famished and decided to go for Golden Panda Chinese buffet for dinner. My family decided to make this our last “eating out” meal and for that, we were going all out. The waitress was quite friendly and playful with Chloe.

I helped myself to 2 plates of MSG loaded Chinese food and 1 dessert plate. Lol. Doesn’t it boggle you why humans tend to always go for things that we know are truly bad for us but tastes/feels good to the senses? My body sort of has this weird sensor that if I overeat especially when my family goes to any buffet, almost every time, I end up leaving the place with pain on my left shoulder. I can’t quite explain why that is but my speculation is, as my stomach expands to accommodate everything I eat, it probably squeezes on a nerve that somehow connects to my left shoulder. I know it probably doesn’t make sense but I’m no specialist so all I can do is speculate. The day is not yet over. We still have to watch Source Code. Happy Tuesday!