When The Knockoff Knocks On My Door

I found this cute hunter green flounce dress a couple of months ago but I just bookmarked it since when I first stumbled upon it, it was the beginning of Summer and the season definitely didn’t call for a heavy weight dress. Yesterday I decided to type “Cynthia Rowley dropwaist dress” to get a new sewing inspiration for fall then to my shock, I saw this moss green flounce dress which I thought I’ve seen before. It looked very similar to the one I bookmarked from months ago, only this was from CR. What I do is get design inspiration, make it and incorporate my own spin on it but now I know exactly why I was attracted to the knockoff in the first place. I had no idea it was inspired by one of my favorite designers. I don’t have a problem with designer inspired stuff as long as they are not marketed as the real deal and sold at jacked up pricing which obviously is not the case here.

I’m far from being a fashion blogger really. I believe the internet is saturated with fashion bloggers and I admit there are a couple of sites I visit from time to time and I honestly don’t know how they do it. I love fashion but it doesn’t govern my thoughts 24/7. I suppose this could pass for a look for less kinda post.


The dress looks short but these models are probably 5’10-5’11. For my petite frame it would make the dress about a couple of inches above my knees. It shouldn’t be too short and in the event that it is, it can easily be paired with black tights or leggings so problem solved.

Preferentially, I would go for the moss green version because I like that hint of chartreusey color but even if it weren’t sold out (and it is), I still can’t justify buying a dress which costs more than my car insurance, internet bill, and the Home Association Fee combined, not to mention it will probably be worn only a couple of times and put away. I’ve mentioned this in another post and I will say it again; I like fashionable things but I don’t toss my practicality in pursuit of all things fashionable. I like searching on google because it catches the real deal from Poshmark at such great bargain, and to set things straight, I’m not a Poshmark addict.

Is it a steal? It would be too early for me to say. I am yet to receive the merchandise and hopefully, it will not reek of formaldehyde. I happen to be highly sensitive to that stuff but sadly most Chinese manufactured clothing are treated with that. I ended up literally throwing something I bought awhile back because I’d rather lose a couple of bucks than have my skin break out. Since that incident and it has been over 5 years ago, I have avoided ordering from Chinese websites. This e-retailer claims to be based in California so it gives me hope they have stricter regulations when it comes to the amount of chemical treatments on the garment for consumer safety.


When I do receive it, I plan on replacing the cheap plastic buttons possibly with bengaline (grosgrain ribbon texture fabric) covered buttons. I’ve always had a thing for covered buttons. It just has this undeniable vintage vibe. How’s that for customization?

UPDATE: I received the dress on 9/17. The quality is not bad and I am happy to say that it doesn’t have any formaldehyde smell at all. I would consider it a deal. It is however made of a sweatshirt fabric so definitely not on the dressy side which is why I’ll probably end up drafting a pattern from this and make it with doubleknit or maybe even gabardine fabric instead.