When Things Get Lost in the Mail

I was expecting a package and the tracking number says it’s been delivered last Friday AND I DON’T HAVE IT! I am feeling absolutely mad and frustrated and I just don’t know who to direct my frustration to when it comes to something like this. Could it be the sender failing to put the correct address? Could it be the mailman putting it in the wrong box? I really don’t know.

That was about 2 hours ago and here I am chronicling what I feel. I was trying to find an emoticon of what I’m feeling and I couldn’t use some of the ones I found because of copyright watermarks so I took to Photoshop and made my own.

frustrated emoticon

Here you go. Trust me, I think you’d rather see this than a picture of myself actually feeling like this. Somehow, emoticons have the air of cuteness to it as opposed to an actual picture of a person being mad and frustrated. I suppose I’ll either call or take a trip to my local Post Office tomorrow. This is the first time this happened to me and it truly is just frustrating.

P.S. If anyone out there wants to reuse this mad/frustrated spur of the moment emoticon for whatever purpose, go ahead, you have my blessing.