Yarn Over Here and Yarn Over There

When I get really busy, I have the habit of completely neglecting to write. I suppose I can’t call myself a true blogger when I miss days, not only a few but to the extent of weeks. You see, I have engaged myself in a knitting marathon. I have finished 3 hats and 3 scarves so far and I am finishing off my fourth scarf.

I have also delved into making Amigurumi on the side. I never would have thought of learning how to crochet. I knew the crochet basics, chain stitch and single crochet but it took me a good 2 hours to learn a crochet magic loop via youtube, I know, it’s pretty slow but it took me a non English-speaking Italian tutorial to finally get it. Once I learned that, everything else came to place.

I have just started to make a head of my custom Amigurumi girl character and I am so excited that I have picked up crocheting without a live instructor, I mean in person, but youtube.


This is my first tackle with a crochet Amigurumi. I am far from being done. I am not following any pattern but I am in the process of designing the character’s look as I go along.

It’s amazing all the information and know-how people can acquire through youtube. I am quite thankful to those who readily make tutorials available at no cost. It’s actually good for them since the more views they have, the more revenue they make if they have enabled that youtube feature.


Aside from youtube tutorials, I did go to the library to borrow a couple of books for inspiration and to learn the basics of Amigurumi. Aren’t those characters too cute?

I hope to complete my first Amigurumi soon.