Down, But Not Completely Out

The month of August was not only emotionally but also spiritually taxing. I had to wait on a severe skin inflammation (Contact Dermatitis) that affected my entire legs, front and back to subside. It (still) looks completely hideous. I had it since June. I’m not by any means putting myself in the same category as Job, but this experience made me think about how severe it was for him when he had to scrape his skin with pottery shards (Job 2:7-8).  This took a toll on my self-esteem among other things. My spirit had no choice but to completely sit and sort stuff out and the best thing to do was stay quiet in the blogosphere.

My flesh wanted to whine, lament and pour my heart out, but what does that really contribute to a world going through a whole lot of chaos? At this time, I have gone through a whole bunch of questions to God about why this and why that. One thing that put me in my place was the thought that He’s God and I am not.

But those who wait on the Lord
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint.

Isaiah 40:31


  1. “ One thing that put me in my place was the thought that He’s God and I am not.”

  2. I have been there too! Those times that we have to sit and be quiet and let God be God are hard! But, He is good all the time! Thank you for sharing your heart!

  3. […] was down but not completely out for quite some time. This selfie was taken at the height of my affliction in August of this year. […]

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