The Battle For Survival

This critter is cute. If this is the actual perpetrator, that remains to be a question, but I know one thing for sure. I’ve never seen cats and dogs bury nuts.

My garden woes all started when I found this hazelnut plant.

If you can get a bird (a parrot to be exact) to memorize phrases, we can easily conclude that squirrels definitely have the capacity to remember where they have buried their “little precious.” My husband’s theory about the upset squirrel is not far-fetched.

I have not gotten into looking up how old exactly this hazelnut seedling is. When I found this squirrel’s little treasure in my plot, I was amazed. Though I’ve been pretty much a city dweller all my life, I grew up climbing guava and star apple trees when I was a little girl so I’m pretty appreciative of fruit bearing trees/plants.

The day after I moved the nut seedling, I found two of my sunflower seedlings uprooted and buried. I was so relieved to find that both my plants still had their pilot/taproots intact. This sunflower seedling was not one of them, but I transplanted this today before it got too leggy. It’s a good example that shows the thick, long pilot root I’m talking about.

This morning, I had to deal with the same exact thing that happened yesterday and the day before. I really thought I lost all of my Bachelor button seedlings since the unknown offender struck again and buried most of them this time. I tried to salvage what I could and hoped that the root systems were still intact. I was able to save most. In a circular motion using a bamboo skewer, I had to gently find my seedlings in the pile of soil. They look partly wilted because they just went through a shock. A couple looked like their taproot were severed, but I’ll find out tomorrow if they make it. I really hope they do.

They may just be inconsequential plants, but Jesus repeatedly used plant parables. There is a battle constantly being waged for souls. Before a plant matures, there are plenty of deterrents to try and thwart it from developing to the next stage.

What stage do you currently find your faith in?

Are your roots holding fast?

So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, 7 rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. 8 See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ.”

Colossians 2:6-8

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