A Berry Tricky Situation

I just realized June is one of my favorite months mainly because of U-Pick. I took too many berry pictures and it becomes confusing when I don’t know which pictures to put, well not entirely. I had to pick my favorites to avoid posting nearly 20 pictures of berries and birds.

I woke up this morning with the right side of my face swollen from a ruptured tooth abscess which rendered me sleepless the night before. My husband and I recently watched a testimony about a guy who went to hell and my brush with hell prior to my conversion pretty much led me to seek the Lord. Hell is a very important topic and even if it’s not popular, it has to be addressed because that dreaded place which is literal, not just symbolic, is the reason why Jesus died for our sins.

I’m okay not having an out-of-body hell experience right now like some Christians out there are experiencing, but I think the pain associated from a tooth abscess is just as much a profound hellish experience in itself (next to giving birth without anesthesia) especially if the pain keeps you awake at night. It.is.no.joke. My family is my family so even when I woke up looking funny, it wasn’t a big deal. The mask was useful when I had to pay for the berries. It pretty much covered the swollen part of my face.

It was a joyful experience to hear the sweet tweets of this White Crowned Sparrow. They were flitting out and about on the blueberry shrubs. It really was an uplifting sight.

But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its rays. And you will go out and frolic like well-fed calves.”

Malachi 4:2

“The LORD is good to all;
His compassion rests on all He has made.”

Psalm 145:9


  1. “but I think the pain associated from a tooth abscess is just as much a profound hellish experience in itself (next to giving birth without anesthesia) especially if the pain keeps you awake at night. It.is.no.joke. “
    Oh my if you only knew how many times I’ve said that same thing! I’d rather give birth with out an anesthetic then deal with tooth pain like that !!

    1. Yes… I am grateful to God this is a rare occurrence for me indeed. Not being able to rest during the day and night in agony is torment. I can only imagine the severity of pain in hell where there’s no relief…

      1. Yes. Much better. Anything on or before 5 on a scale of 1 to 10 is negligible as long as I get sleep.

        Thank you for asking. Elizabeth. I appreciate it. Also, the facial swelling associated with it is gone, thanks to God.

      2. Oh, yes! Thanks to the good Lord!!!

      3. Amen! Have a great weekend to you and your family.

  2. And you and your family as well!!

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