A Fitting Devotional


The devotional I got for today  from Rhetorical Jesus is very timely as I find most of my recent posts are mainly reactions to current events and politics which makes most people uncomfortable. It can be quite boring to some but God wired me in this manner and so this way, I must walk. I have always been outspoken especially about my convictions and today’s devotional serves as a confirmation that we must seek to obey God rather than please people.

I am not writing this to put my sister under the bus but I am coming out as one of the millions of people whose relationships have been affected because of the man we voted for this past election. It pains me to say that my own sister labels me a bigot. She is married to a Black man, whose kids I happened to have cared for as their babysitter when they were young.

When she was on the brink of getting a divorce, she used to come to my husband and I for advice and refuge. It appears that she has forgotten that and has let her political leanings completely blind her and it’s apparent blood means nothing to some people especially when it comes to politics.

I DO NOT hate my sister. I do know that Liberalism is a cancer that eats away a person’s rationality and puts everything in an inverted perspective, evil is good and good is evil (Isaiah 5:20).

My only prayer is that to everyone out there whose relationships are severed because of the past election, may we find the strength to endure and be patient with those who are under the grip of the enemy’s influence. All he wants is to separate and sow discord to families.

My sister is not my enemy. It is who’s behind her that’s my enemy.

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

Ephesians 6:12


  1. Speaking the Truth will always attract those who belong to it as well as those who hate it. You will know who belongs to the Truth because it secretes an aroma that would be pleasant to some and a stench to others. Whatever reaction you get will tell you if they are for the Truth or against.

    1. Thanks. I don’t mind becoming a stench to the world as long as I’m doing right with God 🙂

      1. Being a stench to the world means we are a good smelling aroma to God

  2. Because of the insane politics here of late, I have run into family problems too. It is tough, but Jesus comes first.

    We can’t vote for Jesus, but we should let loyalty to our Maker — what He says in His Word — help us choose which candidate will be the better choice for our family, friends, and neighbors.

    1. Most definitely. I’m sure a lot of us would have wished to write Jesus Christ in the ballot but God gave us His Word to give us wisdom in our decision making, and also logic that voting for a 3rd party would have been more catastrophic for God’s people.

      Sadly, some people don’t see the bigger picture and suffered from shortsightedness in this election. It was no doubt a divisive one and it clearly distinguished the mature believers from the ones who voted 3rd party who would not have minded giving this country over to blatant rebellion.

      God comes first and He told us to choose Him over our family especially when it comes to taking a stand and pointing out evil for what it truly is.

      I appreciate your comment. Thanks.

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